Friday, February 23, 2007

Newsworthy and Thankful Day

Well yesterday was a newsworthy day on two fronts. First Jodi's brother and his wife found out they will be having a baby boy! Good news for the Jackster and me...we will be corrupting him soon enough like telling him about fire butts and cat poop, two of jacks favorite punchlines right now.

I will give myself some props in that I predicted boy based on the sound of the heartbeat...but then again all that means is I picked the correct option out of a total of two options. But still, I will take the bragging rights.

In other news...yesterday I also had lunch with an old co-worker from Nokia. When I sat down at lunch he proceded to tell me that my old job, along with about 40 others were being transferred to white plains new york. I was shocked. I had figured once Nokia opened their new york office that eventually a lot of stuff would move there, but to have it done just 9 months after I left was amazing.

Now having to move to new york if I was single or if it was just Jodi and me that might have been fun. But having to move to new york with two kids away from our family right before our kids cousin is born and my brother get married...not good times.

So the people in my old group both will be out of a job if they can't find another one within Nokia, and the 40 other people, most of whom I know and some of whom am still good friends with all have difficult decisions to make. Most of them from what I heard will not be going to new york which means they will be looking for jobs.

I feel for my old friends, because I know how stressed out I would have been. But I am not stressed out about that sort of thing anymore. I can look back on my career path and see God's hand over and over, protecting me, guiding me, if only I am willing to step out in faith. When I left Arthur Andersen most people thought I was crazy...looking back God was telling me to leave, and sure enough Andersen came crashing down and I would have been out of a job. When I left Nokia I was really torn and nervous, but in just a short time the decision has been validated. I am amazed to know that I strive to serve a God who not only made the universe, but who knitted me together, who knows my name, and who will work to protect me and guide me even though I am just one small person in this huge world.

Today I am thankful that my God is in control.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:33-34


At February 23, 2007 1:34 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

so well put. i agree. why worry, even when things don't look good, God has a plan for each of us. What a comfort to know that.

At February 23, 2007 3:54 PM, Blogger angie c said...

Great post sir. God has worked by guiding your path and He will work in the lives of your friends who will face tough roads ahead. What a good reminder how little some of the things are that we worry about.

It also appears that God is using you to "handle up on" big american and foreign corporations. That's a bit weird!!! You are like El Nino which is Spanish for the nino.

Oh and Happy Go Texan day.

At February 23, 2007 4:18 PM, Blogger astromack33 said...

El Nino like all things Spanish is dangerous. This child is more than a child. It isn't really a child at all.


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