Friday, May 11, 2007

Performing artist

Last tuesday we got to attend the end of school show for Jack's preschool. Let's start of by saying you can definately tell there is a lot of money floating around. It was in the church auditorium and they had a huge Noah's Ark and a balloon rainbow a slide show presentation, etc.

I always feel like a dork at one of these things. Taking my camera bags and staking out a place to take pictures. Now, to be fair let me clarify that I full well know I am a registered dork. But I hate feeling like one. I always have to remind myself that it isn't about me and that no one actually cares or is paying attention to me off to the balcony to set up to capture Jack's shining moment.

His class was going to sing "The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock". Complete with construction hats. First was a major accomplishment for Jack to get up on stage in front of an auditorium full of people in the first place. The first time he was supposed to be in a production at his old school he didn't make it. Wound up finding Momma and sitting with her instead. The song starts out good and he is doing the hand movements...maybe not singing, but as soon as the rain was supposed to come tumbiling down he begins the "give up". The give up consists of pulling the construction hat down over his head, leaning down and touching the floor, anything else to not participate in the song. But he never got up and ran off victory.

At the end of the song for the last verse he pulled back into it and actually jumped up at the end empatically when they sang you have to "Build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ". Basically jumped up and shouted Jesus Christ...but in a good way.

After the song as his class was walking down the from the stage they passed by right where Jodi was sitting. She overheard him telling his teacher, "Ms Bessie, that was a funny joke...I didn't do any of it!". So maybe he is made for the stage...


At May 11, 2007 12:21 PM, Blogger Lisa Renee said...

My favorite part of this post: Basically jumped up and shouted Jesus Christ...but in a good way.
and of course the "I didn't do any of it!" This is the greatest age. Sounds adorable, you need to post some pics if you get a chance.

At May 11, 2007 1:57 PM, Blogger angie c said...

hilarious...he fooled everyone!

At May 14, 2007 1:08 PM, Blogger Cody said...

Greatness! The "give up" is funny. I have a perfect visual.


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