Friday, May 04, 2007

Wasted Potential

I was at work late last night...checked the mavs score before I left for home. It was 50-48 golden state. On the car ride home I listened to golden state absolutely suck the life out of the mavs with dunks and threes. By the time I got home the mavs were down 21 and it was lights out.

I ended up watching a bit into the fourth quarter once I got home, but in the few minutes that car ride took me to get home the whole mavs season was coming crashing down on their heads.

Now I am not a die hard mavs loyalties lie with the rockets (who by the way are trying to find ways to lose themselves) but I can feel for the diehard mavs fans. I think a loss like this is actually more crushing to a fan base than last year's meltdown in the playoffs.

At least last year the mavs ran through the spurs and suns and got to the finals. It is still crushing to lose...but there was enjoyment in getting the accomplishment.

I relate this to my hometown astros. The year they went to the world series and were swept that was tough to take. They were so close...but looking back the ride getting there was a lot of fun and the experience of seeing the astros in a world series was great. Now if you back up to 1998, the astros were head and shoulders above any team in the national league...bagwell and biggio in their prime. Big Unit randy johnson as the rent an ace who would get the stros to the promised land. What ends up happeing? They get bounced in the frist round against the wild card padres. That year still eats at me...thinking about the wasted potential of that team. Makes me sick even writing this right now.

I figure if you know a mavs fan you might want to give them a pat on the back...because wasted potential and what might have been hurt worst of all.


At May 05, 2007 12:30 PM, Blogger Lisa Renee said...

I see you having a sports column or talk show some day. As I read your posts I just picture you up there on Sports Center! Sorry Friday was such a downer for you. Hug your wife for me. Oh, and Happy Be-lated birthday........I can't remember if I already commented on that or not! Not real with it these days!

At May 08, 2007 10:58 AM, Blogger angie c said...

Man...Now the Rockets have also been booted. Wasted potential is an understatement. Too bad.


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