Monday, April 02, 2007

The "Should Be" National Holiday

Today should be a national holiday. There is always someone or some group pushing a new figure or event that should be recongnized, but today truly should be recognized by our government and they should step up to let everyone off for the day.

Today is Opening Day for baseball and the National Championship in college basketball. (I don't count that baseball actually played games last night...that is just for tv and isn't really opening day).

What better excuse to have all Americans sit at home or enjoy a day with family and friends, than when you could have baseball on all day and then at night while you are still sitting out in the cool spring evening have the college championship on the tube or radio.

I think I will have to start a petition to my legislators to get the ball rolling on this...


At April 02, 2007 2:47 PM, Blogger angie c said...

Couldn't agree more. Get it? Get the ball rolling. Ha. Here's to Bonds breaking knees and arms so he doesn't break any records!

At April 03, 2007 7:09 AM, Blogger Cody said...

Agreed. Yesterday was the best day of the year for Ranger fans. Now it's all down hill.

At April 03, 2007 2:25 PM, Blogger Lisa Renee said...

Oh my goodness, you so almost had me. I was thinking it was going to be about Easter or men are all the same! When we lived in the metroplex my husband always took off opening day at the Ballpark at Arlington.


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