Monday, March 19, 2007

Busted Bracket?

So how did you fare over the first weekend of games? CBB probably was about to need an ambulance before Big Huevos Acie Law IV came through again.

I am hanging around the middle of my pool...only way I will win (I think)is if I don't miss another pick which is highly unlikely.

I had to come in and work on Saturday...wouldn't you know the one day where all the games were basically nail bitters at the end. But I kept up to date through the web. Still not as fun as watching with a bunch of roomies just eating chips and other bad food. Did get to enjoy the games friday night with my bro and friend Wes over in Dallas. Enjoyed a texadelphia cheesesteak (jalapenos and mustard blend) and some good conversation.


At March 19, 2007 12:57 PM, Blogger Cody said...

The Quakers worried me, but not as much as the Cardinals (with teeth... kind of odd for a bird to have both a beek and teeth). What a game though! San Antonio will definitely be a home game for the Ags. From what I hear, A&M fans are calling OSU and Tennessee and buying their tickets as well.

At March 20, 2007 8:54 AM, Blogger angie c said...

This is the worst brackets I've had in years. I picked a majority of upsets in the 1st round and wouldn't you know that there was only a couple. Oops. Being an Aggie fan my whole life, I've seen A&M look past an opponent. Memphis is though so careful what you say! I picked A&M over Memphis but it will be close. Been watching Memphis all year. I've got Kansas winning it so we'll see. The left side of the bracket has so many mark-thru's! Fun stuff.

At March 20, 2007 8:55 AM, Blogger angie c said...

Yes, I know. Typos and bad English in my poast. Sorry..Bad English ruled.


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