Monday, April 09, 2007

Rock Out Church

Sunday was my first Easter at Rock Out Church...what I call the new place we have been going - Highland Meadows Christian Church. It was even ironic a bit as the minister (we call him a pastor - is that ok?) got up to welcome everyone he even said we are going to "rock this house for Jesus today". Let me just say...I don't know if I can go back to C of C after that service.

Now I know I have the blessing of living in a big city and it is a big church in an affluent neighborhood, so of course they have a good band with great equipment. But you can't help but praise with the music - and it isn't all new stuff either. They work in some of the old standards and to my amazement some are even more powerful re-arranged with instruments to me.

I still feel weak in that I can't support my argument for or against almost any doctrinal stance the church has taken. I know the stories, but can't quote chapter or verse, and sometimes when I actually take the time to go and check what I think I know I find I am wrong.

So over the past few months I have been convicted to try and question. Not my faith, but why I do the things I do, or why I am uncomfortable about things that might not make a difference. Habits can be hard to break.

Anyway, at the close of the sermon they played this clip from Steve Harvey. He is a believer and it was an interesting dichotomy. Obviously he was doing a comedy show...and some of this is funny. But you can tell that as he is doing this he really starts to get into it and all the points are spot on. The clip I have doesn't show his reaction at the end, which is to stay a thanks to God very solemnly. But this has some background so the clip will hopefully speak for itself.

Steve Harvey Intros Christ

One funny looked like there was just a kid on the drums...and I think he was really into Easter. Because as the pastor (there I used it) was finishing up his sermon hamering home the points of why we know Jesus is the one way, the band was starting the background for the song they were going to play and this kid was giving the drum set all he had. To the point that the pastor was really having to talk loudly to get his points across. It didn't really distract from the sermon but it was a funny moment to me as I was recounting my time there that morning. I could just see this kid wishing he had a double bass to just rock out church...


At April 10, 2007 11:01 AM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

That was funny. And the church service was what I always wanted Easter to be: a celebration of Christ's ressurection. Now, we just have to find some friends there like we had at LCCC.

At April 10, 2007 2:16 PM, Blogger Cody said...

The clip was awesome. I have always thought it would be a great experience to attend church at a place that really "rocks". I look forward to going to church with you guys sometime.

At April 10, 2007 4:09 PM, Blogger Lisa Renee said...

Uh oh............the slippery slope!!!!!! I am TOTALLY kidding. You DO know my background so of course I am not at all in resistance to that. Sounds like a great Easter.

At April 11, 2007 9:22 AM, Blogger angie c said...

Too bad we arent there, cause we'd go. We recently made the switch too and it's unbelievable. How sad is it that our old church cant get with it? It makes me mad really. Some of the ridiculous things they hand their hat on are so dumb. We're about 3 months ahead of you in our search and found a great place here. Hope you find what you are looking for and a place that you can get involved with, as well as worhip to the ability that God has given you. Oh and by the way, I have had a total of 5 hours of debate with my mom and she is preparing a "paper" for me to read. It's going to be a long road. Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself!


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