Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Late Night Musings

Some musings while I wait for the copier to finish collating my training materials I teach tomorrow...

Stuck in Neil Young Unplugged to listen to tonight. Can't believe that cd is from 1993. Music has a way of transporting me places. This CD transports me right back to Abiliene texas as a 21 year old college student. How many nights was that cd rolling in the background as me, Kid, Wags and sometimes Wilson would try to figure out what was in the box at the top of the stairs and the connection between the astrodome and the the first teepee and marlon brando. Wondering what milk blood was like and thankful we had never needed to know. Musing on transformer man and the unknown ledgend...the words of which resonate more today at 33 than they did at 21.

Then if it was 10:30 on a weeknight it would be winding down the second half of the big show and figuring out when you had to be up to just make the bike ride from westheimer to mabee just to stroll in in time for class.

Now, it is waiting for a copier to finish collating. Those were good times, good memories. I couldn't have imagined just how much better things would get. Glad I could go back for a few moments.


At July 14, 2007 7:17 PM, Blogger said...

Did you notice you had no comments!!! You need to blog on Jacks' games.....details, details, details! Ha, Thanks for lunch today - it was GREAT!

At July 19, 2007 8:21 AM, Blogger angie c said...

Man. I soaked in the wisdom on those nights. Neil Young also makes me remember the time when one of us (you or Wags) yelled, "Old man take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you" at the old man on the tennis courts. Neil's wisdom always seemed to pop up at the right time. I'm still glad I had no respect for authority that year and lived with you guys. Great times.

At July 19, 2007 9:01 AM, Blogger astromack33 said...

I have to claim that line on the tennis courts. That old man thought he was playing at wimbeldon instead of the acu courts. What a clown.

Glad you bucked the system as well...good times.


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