Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Molly!

Today Molly turns 1 year old. The day didn't start out exactly like I had hoped, but we did get to have some cake, sing happy birthday, and open some presents this morning. Then it was off to work for Dad, and tonight Mom has class so it is a broken up birthday - life just gets so busy, and I am sorry if we didn't do enough for Molly today.

To Molly:
One year ago today you were our life. There was no way around it. This time around I knew a bit more what to expect of the whole process as I am sure your Mom did too. But it is still nerve wracking waiting, wondering, when will I get to see you and hold you for the first time. I worry about your Mom when she is all hooked up to the machines and getting poked and prodded by anyone and everyone it seems. I hear your racing heartbeat, and wonder what face goes with it. And then before you know it in an instant the waiting is over - and the learning you begins!

You were so quiet when you were first born. Didn't cry much at all. I like to think it is because you knew you were surrounded by love. And you are so well loved! When you first came home I am not much help, but you and I would stay up late at night together watching the late edition of sports center or if we were lucky a west coast astros game. Night time was our time together. When the house was quiet and Mom and Jack were trying to rest up. Just you and me, I will always remember those times.

Now each day you shock me with what you are learning, what you can do, how smart you are - how independent you want to be. You have grown so quickly in the last year, but I love your growth! I can't wait to see what you have learned tomorrow! When we first had you home your Mom would say what a sweet baby you were - and you are. But I think you know deep down that you have a ornery spirit lurking in there! I see it in the rye smile you have when you are about to be up to something, or when you fall down in disgust because you lost the tug of war with jack over a toothbrush or toy. But I love your spirit! I hope that I can make it blossom as you grow and not get in the way.

You are such a precious gift and I am glad God gave you to us! Mom and I have a wonderful daughter and Jack has a wonderful little sister and I couldn't be more proud. I love you very much! Happy 1st Birthday!


At June 15, 2006 2:56 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

That, my sweet husband, made me cry! i am glad you and molly could bond over baseball. i love you and our family.

At June 15, 2006 5:51 PM, Blogger Lisa Renee said...

That was beautiful! You are such a great dad! Molly is darn blessed to have you. You are such as sweet family.


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