Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Studio 60

Did anyone see Studio 60 on the sunset strip last night? It is the new show that is supposed to be a behind the scenes look at a Saturday night live type show. It has Matthew Perry, Amanda Peet and Bradley Whitford. (by the way, instead of saying "that is the greatest thing since sliced bread", i think the new phrase has to be "greatest thing since the dvr". I mean hasn't the dvr replaced sliced bread in greatness from an invention standpoint? I think this should be a new law.)

Anyway I am usually not into that many drama shows or serials. I usually leave those for the better half. Shows like Grey's Anatomy, the Unit, CSI. I stick with sports and reality for the most part.

But I haven't had a show hold my attention like that pilot episode in a long time. The beginning was riveting and the way the story was told and unfolded was great. Nice tension, good humor - a nice mix all around. I hope it can maintain that start because at then end of the show I was left wanting more. It had done its job.

For the time being it will be bumping off some old sesame street and backyardigans from the dvr listing.

It has to be good to keep my attention and not go off of some sappy love triangle tangent (which the groundwork was already laid out for - I am sure this will be a story line but hopefully not overpowering). For example Friends I was out after year 1 - it was same story second verse. Grey's Anatomy - out. Who cares if she picks McDreamy, and by the way his current wife is hotter than stick girl. Desperate Housewives - out. Story got too crazy after year one. So Studio 60 may not hold up over time...but the beginning was sure good.

Amazing Race is still priority number 1 for me this fall season...but if episode 2 is as good as the pilot Studio 60 may be right on its heels.


At September 19, 2006 11:19 AM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

Studio 60 Rocks. I was surprised that I loved it. The writing was so witty, and the delivery on the lines was first notch. Matthew Perry and that other guy (from Billy Madison) are pretty darn good actors. It was actually believable, well sort of.

At September 21, 2006 9:18 AM, Blogger angie c said...

Thank you. Someone else thinks Meredith looks like an in-patient at an eating disorder clinic. Oh and don't worry about the fact that everyone is rooting for infidelity! YEA FOR INFIDELITY!

I'm going to put you guys on the show intervention for your TV watching! By the way, I can watch CSI on Spike for a day straight.


At September 21, 2006 1:22 PM, Blogger astromack33 said...

kid - besides amazing race, project runway, and now posibly studio 60 and the unit (pulled in by the misses again) I watch more Thomas the Train, Sesame Street, Backyardigans and Barney than anything else. Your time will come...

I full well know that my current viewing habits firmly place me in either the senior or gay urbanite demographics...but I have made peace with this.

At September 25, 2006 10:44 AM, Blogger Wags said...

I had a strange feeling about studio 60, sort of a West Wing meets the whole nine yards movie cast. I mean forgive me for having absolutely ZERO love for Amanda Peet or Matthew Perry. I was intrigued enough to watch again, but was far from convinced. Oh by the way. Greeting to all!


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