Friday, August 04, 2006


My wife told me about an interesting article she had read in the New York Times the other day. And it happens to be linked on Mike Cope's blog from a couple of days ago. Here is the link to the article.

"NY Times Article""

Basically the article is about a preacher who would not use the pulpit/church as a platform for political causes. In some cases this angered some church goers in others it let them feel a bit more free.

I think it is very dangerous to have the church be linked to any one cause other than serving others and saving the lost and trying to expand the boundaries of God's kingdom. This is not to say that causes in and of themselves are bad, such as trying to keep marriage between a man and woman or pro-life causes. But what is bad is expecting everyone because you go to church with them to have the same stance on your cause and then if they don't not be able to reconcile the fact that they are still your brother in Christ.

I remember going to a church in abilene one sunday where a member there was running for some political office. He basically got to do a little campaign speech at the end of service and then as we were going to our car after service we were thrust a campaign leaflet by some church member and then had others on our car windshield. I wondered that day, what if I didn't want to vote for this guy because I didn't agree with the policies that he had or just liked the way things were currently being done - does that mean I am not a Christian? The way it was handled it certainly left that impression.

I have also always wondered how people in the historically black churches in America deal with being isolated behind causes. It was church leaders who spurred civil rights movements and historically have supported democratic candidates in elections to promote this cause. But somehow the moral majority claims republicans as the party which must be supported and that democrats are the harbingers of alternative lifestyles and general social undoing. So, what is an african-american christian to do if they associate their church with a cause? Which cause to pick, civil rights, social consciousness? The reality is they probably wish they could chose both - and so do I, but I don't have that choice.

Sometimes I feel very isolated, because there is no political party I will wholeheartedly back. I would like to start a normal human party at least my definition of normal humans - I think there might be some others like me out there, but maybe it would be just a political party of one. No problem for me, I am pretty comfortable inside my own skin.

But to circle back to the original point, do we consider someone who doesn't agree with our political positions somewhat less christian? If we do, I think we have let our earthly causes infiltrate the church and this is just what the devil would like to see happen. But please don't get me wrong - there are some things that aren't a cause and are not up for debate with me: the deity of Christ, the fact that there is one true God, the ruler of the earth and that he sent his one and only son to die for the remission of our sins. This isn't a cause - it is a calling. But outside of that and maybe a few other things if you push the right buttons I am willing to hear your side on many things as long as you are willing to hear mine.

At least that is my fine opinion on this matter.

So just to fill this post with the most irony I sure to vote for Texas independence on Nov 7 - He ain't Kinky, he's my governor! Or I guess you can vote for the other guy, what's his name. Either way - I still love you all - my fine republican or democrat or normal human party friends! Cigars and bio-diesel for all!


At August 04, 2006 5:18 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

although we have had this discussion many times, i still totally agree with you. Remember when we read the screwtape letters together and how scary it was to realize how much satan uses politics to separate us from our most important affiliation, with God. I love that you are such a godly man.

At August 04, 2006 8:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was going to write something sarcastic about you going to hell for such political blasphemy, but I read Jodi's comment first and decided against it. :) I love your post. I have felt this way for a long time too and just avoid conversations about politics usually because quite frequently I am in the minority in my beliefs. We're coming over later for some bio-fuel.

At August 05, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger Lisa Renee said...

I posted the same comment on Jodi's but since it really is in response to your blog:

I remember many of those conversations. I agree mostly, however, it is hard for me to understand how some deomocrats can be prochoice, to each their own on homosexuality and all for free handouts to those who don't want to work and still be a Christian b/c the Bible is very clear on all these issues. My entire family, with the exception of me and one aunt, are democrats. My parents have told me they do not wish to discuss specific beliefs in religion, other than the fact that God is good, or politics and war. That is sad to me that we cannot have an adult conversation about it without them becoming offended when I just state my beliefs, but they want to be able to do the same just without dispute. How can you be so "open" to everything but not to other's views???? They will not answer that question. I just feel that in being a Christian we have certain responsibilities. The Bible calls us to do many things in addition to being loving servants as Christ was. My parents and aunts are all just about free love and being a good person. I feel as though its my responsibility especially as their family member to educate them on what the Bible says about various issues. They would just rather not hear it, so in order to keep peace within my family. We do not discuss it but rather try to be somewhat of an example.

At August 05, 2006 3:17 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

We are having a tofu fry later, and with that, we plan to create enough biodiesel to power our airconditioning for the next 10 years! :) You are so witty, your comments and posts always make me smile!

At August 07, 2006 10:38 AM, Blogger angie c said...

I think Jesus steered clear from politics for a reason. People are nutz on both sides. I'll just stop there.

Funniest comment of my family history (well the first one that comes to mind. Background 5-6 years ago: The family was discussing Southlake church and their decision to drop the of Christ and go instrumental. Dad says, "well when does it stop? Why don't you just have beer to attract more members". That was the conversation ender. kc

At August 07, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger astromack33 said...

instrumental music to beer...kev you should know instrumental music is a gateway drug. First music, then dancing, then beer, then the end of civilization as we know it.

At August 08, 2006 8:27 AM, Blogger angie c said...

I think you have a great idea for a book. The "new" gateway drug. We can get Jess and Eric Hall to fund it. It'll make millions and put people in their place!


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