Thursday, August 17, 2006

Guilty Pleasure

I think every married guy goes through this at some point. There are some tv shows that just must be watched by the better half. So in order to have a more perfect union you will watch these shows in order to get a few football games on a saturday afternoon when you should be mowing the yard or other sundry project.

Anyway, if you are lucky enough the chosen show will be bearable enough to at least watch without wanting to gouge your eyes out. But on the rare occasion some of these shows can actually draw you in and then you are hooked.

I don't know how else to say this...but I am hooked on Project Runway.

Project Runway

What that says about me I have no idea. This was a show where I at best thought, "oh the show with Heidi Klum - I can watch the scenes with her in between reading Newsweek". Well, last night, Newsweek actually got put to the floor and wasn't even opened. I can't believe this is happening. But let me just run down the reasons this show has suckered me in and then you can make your own judgments about me and my tastes.

1. The concept. I will give most reality shows that have the vote off gimmick a chance just because the contestants reactions to the votes can be worth it alone. Survivor was the innovator, and while some have failed (big brother) others have made this a very effective tool. It works on PR - they have pulled it off well. Bonus points for the gimmicky "Your In" or "Your Out" votes.

2. The afore mentioned Heidi Klum. First off she is really attractive, I don't think this is really debatable, but you can go ahead if you are so inclined. But it isn't just the looks that have drawn me to the show. It is how somehow she tries to make herself into some fashion know-it all, and the funny way she tries to deliver the lines the producers wrote for her when she has to vote someone out. Also I enjoy her trying to hide her german accent - good times.

3. Watching catty women be catty. Call this the Melrose Place effect. For some reason this can be so entertaining. The personalities on this show work great for this.

4. Watching overtly homosexual men act like catty women. Never new how much fun this could be. And trust me even as I write this I don't know what that says about me.

5. Watching complete flakes like Vincent and Bradley. Unless you have seen the show no way to describe this.

6. I am constantly amazed by how these people can make dresses in 2 days for $100 bucks and they look great. And I can't believe I am actually caring about how dresses look. But the accountant in me knows for sure that every time I am buying some clothing I should be paying $5 for it based on their performances.

7. The way the celebrity judges can be merciless. Just last night they told one designer she had made the model look like a plus size minnie mouse. Just thinking of how that model was going to go home and plot out a program to figure out how she was going to survive on rice cakes for 3 weeks made me chuckle.

8. I don't even know the guys name, but the one that always comes in and critiques the designers mid project. That guy has the best looks of disgust. just classic. Plus he is another overtly homosexual male, so that adds another dimension to the whole delivery.

9. Being able to root for a good guy. There are a couple of people on the show that are truly worth rooting for (at least how the producers have presented them). It is always nice to have someone worth rooting for and not just against.

10. The classic both cheek send-off kiss with "aufweidersehen" good-by by Heidi.

So there you have it. I have been sucked in. It was already on the DVR for the better half, but is now a weekly stop down for me as well.

So remember in fashion one day your in, the next day your out.



At August 17, 2006 10:11 PM, Blogger Pearson Family said...

I can't wait to tell Stacey...he is also HOOKED! I thought he was being nice, sitting with me on the couch as I watched it last season, now he asks about it if he doesn't get to see it, or he will plan Parker's bath around it. This season has been great so far.

At August 18, 2006 8:47 AM, Blogger angie c said...

You are so GAY! That's what it says about you! Man. My time is spent watching the Hills and Greys Anatomy. That's way better (this is me trying to convince myself). Just kidding. We're all on the road to metrosexuality which I guess means we like to smell nice and be clean and stuff. We still love football and watching Roger Clemens throw at people and then get tagged. You're a good husband for having "our time" with your better half.

At August 18, 2006 9:12 AM, Blogger astromack33 said...

I know, I know. It doesn't get more gay than project runway. I guess I am getting in touch with my metrosexual side.

At August 18, 2006 4:35 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

Hilarious! I am not sure what is says about me that I didn't even notice you put down newsweek. or that i had nightmares about being called a fat minnie mouse look alike!


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