Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Amazing Race Update - Episode 3

This time the racers were off to Vietnam. One of the tasks had the racers going to the infamous Hanoi Hilton where hundreds of US service men were held as prisoners of war.

The task was to find John McCain's flight suit which was on display somewhere in the prison (which is now apparently a museum). It was a little surreal to see the teams basically just rushing through a place that symbolized so much misery and just searching for the next clue so they could go on and win $1 million.

But a couple of teams stopped for a moment, with the notable exception being the team of the two brothers. They went back in after all the chaos of the other teams had left to take a minute to pay tribute to McCain and the other soldiers. It was good karma because they ended up wining this leg of the challenge.

And from my last update you can see why I don't handicap or gamble on anything. The team I thought would be right there to the end - the dad and daughter - ended up getting the boot.

All in all, not a super exciting episode...but still entertaining.

And since I don't have any more to say on AR....

Last night was the first episode of the bachelor. (I didn't get the channel turned fast enough once I turned on the tv so it was claimed to be watched - but it is not a total loss and I didn't fight as I will explain).

This show is a 99 on a 1 to 10 scale of Melrose Place effect. Hot girls being extremely petty and catty (the Project Runway Corollary with the Attractive Addendum). Throw in unlimited alcohol and girls in evening gowns and you have a dynamite display of unintentional comedy on your hands.

The best episode of any bachelor is the first one, when it hasn't gotten all sappy and people actually start thinking they like each other instead of realizing they just like the fancy dates and locales that the producers have put them in. The first episode is basically a meat market. It is funny to watch these women interact with each other and with this prized side of beef (apparently this one is USDA prime since he is somehow a prince).

I always joke with the better half that this show sets back women hundreds of years...and she agrees, but yet it still entertains. I mean if you are going to kill two hours why not watch attractive women trying to assert themselves, some in rather odd (singing from the balcony) or shall we say bordering on sluty (showing off their dance moves) ways.

I also have a theory on how the bachelor decides between girls if he really hasn't any idea who to pick. Since I do have mixed readership I will save the details of the theory (you can ask my wife - I have told her in the past) but let's just say it played out when he choose the italian girl that can't even speak english. Double good times!

I'll check back in next week with another AR update!


At October 03, 2006 2:06 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

so funny! i know you dislike watching the bachelor, but you are right, it is entertaining if hugely detrimental to the women's movement.


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