Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Trouble for Harry

According to this someone actually does think Harry Potter is trying to make an army of occultists - specifically Wiccans. Why are parents so paranoid that a book is going to teach their children more than they can? Why are we all so paranoid?

On a funny note...yesterday I took my car to get washed during lunch. There was a old guy who wanted to shine my shoes. He said that "he was the man" and "I would have a new pair of shoes". So looking up at the posted price of $6 I said sure.

So he finishes shoes did look good...and says, "10 dollars". So somewhere in my sitting there the price had gone up a bit. So I hand him a 20. "how much you want back?" Ok, so the guy is entertaining enough and my shoes did look good so I say, "why don't you give me $8 back". Reaches in his wallet...packed with money by the way...pulls out a $5. Pauses..."what's your name?"...pauses a little more, pulls out $1..."if you need more shoes shined you just come back here alright...pauses...pulls out $1...wallet back in his pants and off he goes to get another customer. So I only get $7 back.

You know what they say, there is a sucker born every minute...


At October 05, 2006 9:02 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

I saw that article about Harry with the woman complaining about how the heros and heroines lie and steal without getting in trouble. I wonder if she has ever read the story of Jacob and Esau? Perhaps the Bible should be the next book banned as it talks about witchcraft, too. While we are at it, let's ban Cinderella (suspicious fair godmother with a gasp wand) perhaps all of the brother grimm tales, Veggie Tales, for two reasons one is that NBC has taken God out of them, and another is who knows what kind of witchcraft/trickery was used to create talking vegetables. Not to mention that whole spinach / ecoli thing. I must lament; how can Christians jump on such empty soap boxes while the world is suffering without Christ Jesus and the compassion he so fervently preached.

At October 06, 2006 8:48 AM, Blogger angie c said...

Nicely put. I'm just cracking up at the juevos on the shoe shine dude who looked you in the eye and stole your money. Awesome. Capitalism at it's best.

At October 06, 2006 1:10 PM, Blogger astromack33 said...

It is truely a skill to be able to just look at someone and knowingly work them out of cash...and not one that I posess.


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