Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Game within the Game

Jack is playing soccer. And thankfully he has some friends from the neighborhood on his team. Jack is a very good listener and follower of directions from his coaches, but he is still working on the concepts of the game of soccer - namely that there is an object (to score a goal) and not just run free up and down the field.

So last week was his third game and we have been working with him so he will maybe understand the objectives better and not spend as much time on the opposite end of where the ball is. In the middle of the game he is just running with his friend Hunter and they are paying absolutely zero attention to the actual game. They are side by side running this way when the scrum of kids is running the other way with the ball.

Then it happened. Jack grabbed hunter by the face with both when you are trying to get someones attention and leaned in. I knew what was coming next so I had to turn my head. I couldn't watch as my son was about to make his soccer game into a make out session.

So after the game I asked Jack what he was trying to do to Hunter. "Oh we were just playing robots." So of course I had to ask the follow up. "Playing robots means that one person whispers directions in your this." And I proceeded to get my face grabbed and inaudible instructions whispered into my ears.

Kissing crisis averted. Needless to say I have some work to explain that although there may be a game within the is probably not robots.

On a unrelated note...a happy birthday wish to Nana! I see how wonderful she is with my children, but then I knew there would be nothing less. She has spent the last 14 years spoiling me as well. Thanks for everything you do for us!


At July 19, 2007 8:25 AM, Blogger angie c said...

I too loved uniform day at practice. Nothing like it. Must be a guy thing? Maybe not, but it was great. I still have most of mine I think.

Glad tragedy was avoided on the field. No one wants to remember their first kiss that way.

At July 20, 2007 8:01 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

kevin, i am laughing out loud about the first kiss comment.

At July 23, 2007 7:11 PM, Blogger said...

Now....that's what I'm talking about - that was a GREAT Blog!!!!! But....did you leave out the part about the little boy taking time out of the game to visit w/Molly? You know it coming!!!!! Love, Nana

At July 25, 2007 10:44 AM, Blogger Cody said...

Playing games within games are the best because being on the field is like you are on your own little island. Nicole's brother used to hide match box cars in his socks, and while he was playing goalie, would take them out and play with them on the field.


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