Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Weekend ramblings

Easter weekend was a fabulous success once again. This time mother nature helped out with gorgeous weather so we were able to basically spend the entire day outdoors saturday. Kids were sugared up beyond belief and some of the adults too. Good food, games and family were the name of the game. Had everyone there but Sid who is way out in Washington state trying to help save people in the er.

My two kids both had a great time. Jack because he got to play with the big boys...thanks Dale, Shawn and Cody for letting him in your games. Molly because she got to carry around a pink chicken all day long. At one point I could see the chicken actually say a prayer for its own safety. He ended up making it through the day. Thanks betty sue for the surprise.


Jodi's old cell phone has died. I will say it wasn't due to natural causes, if there was a phone autopsy cause of death would be blunt force trauma. So it was off to the AT&T store to see if we could get a free replacement phone. Now since I worked for Nokia for 5 years I somewhat know the tricks...not that I can beat any of them, just that I know where I am getting taken to the cleaners. So I was prepared to have to sign a new contract or extend our contract, but I was going to get out of there with no $$ changing hands.

So we walk in and there are at least 6 employees in the store. One is clearly helping a customer the others just milling about. We wait a few minutes and some guy comes over to get our phone number and why we are there. Says a rep will be with us in a moment. Still 4 employees just milling around. Finally about 8 minutes later a rep comes over...and asks us again why we are there what our phone number is etc. The exact same thing we had just gone over. I am beginning to get steamed.

Come to find out we can't do anything because the better half doesn't have her license with her and they can't change anything without it due to some fcc regulation (I call bs on that). And that was it. Time to walk out of the store...better half is to the door and out...but I can't....I can't let them just treat me that way. So i double back and tell the 4 service reps behind the counter that they need to work on their service model, that we waited for 10 minutes there are 4 of them standing around and that once we were helped we had to answer the same questions we had just answered.

Then one of the do nothing service guys starts to try and fight back explaining that he was "helping" some dude who was looking at accessories across the store, and that another chick was on CSS duty or some crap like I care. This was about to become a full abercrombie moment...but instead I just repeated that they should work on there service model turned around in their mid rebuttal and walked out the door. Definitely considering switching providers over that though.


And finally, a little bit in the mind of your blogger. Last night due to multiple circumstances I had the house to myself. So at 8 pm I finally sat down on the couch to see what was on tv...and there was nothing worth watching. Except for WWE Raw. Now, let me explain a bit. There is only one character that will make me stop down for anything wrestling and that is the Nature Boy Ric Flair. So for some reason I end up watching the first little montage of WWE Raw where they have all these westlers with their petty grudes talking smack in the ring, waiting and hoping to see if I will get rewarded with a Nature Boy sighting. And sure enough...at the end of the performance it is annonced that the main event tonight is a 8 man tag team no disqualification match between wrestlers 1-5 who I have no idea who they are, the heartbreak kid sean michaels, triple h, and yes...the Nature Boy Rick Flair. And they had me at "Ric Flair."

And I was rewarded mightily. Not only did I get a Ric Flair face off "discussion" with Sean Michaels. I got Ric Flair winning the tag team match with his pattented figure four over the regining WWE champion who is probably 1/3 his age. Needless to say it is going to be saved on the dvr for awhile. Have to say that I can't stand WWE in its current context today...but Ric Flair transcends time, back to mid 80s jr high school weekend afternoons. Here is a little sampling of Ric Flair.

Ric Flair HOF

And at the 3min mark of this...well just see for yourself.
Ric Flair backs Huckabee


At March 25, 2008 10:28 PM, Blogger Nicole B said...

switch to sprint. ATT is just not worth it.

I really laughed outloud at your commentary of WWE Raw. Good stuff. You know its fake right?

At April 02, 2008 2:40 PM, Blogger angie c said...

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At April 02, 2008 2:42 PM, Blogger angie c said...

T-mobile is pretty descent for service...although I just paid $17 for an "upgrade fee" for my new phone. Ridiculous. What's the fee for? To provide better service. Ok then, what's my service charges for? Ugh. By the way, I dropped my old Nokia 100 times and even into a cooler of ice water and it still worked for 2 years. Nice. No more Nokia though. They need some style upgrade.

You and Ryan Baker should hang out on weekends. I think he still subscribes to WWF mag.

Huckabee cant lose with Chuck Norris and Flair behind him. Oh wait...


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