Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Catching up

Too my faithful readership of approximately 3 people...I apologize. It has been too long since I have gone out and taken some time to blog about life. Oh who am I kidding...not even the 3 really care. But here it goes anyway.

Had a great time at Halloween as you can see over on the better half's blog. Jack and Molly both got into it...I was impressed with how they would just go up and knock on doors.

Also snuck in some time for poker night in america. Now that myles is old and married, I have talked him into trying to arrange a night out for the boys. It was a fun evening with some nice pizza from lover's pizza and good company.

Next big event was thanksgiving which we had at Nana and Papa's. As always they put on an excellent event. Although there are no scooter races or bb gun shootouts, thanksgiving is all about the eating...and there was loads of that. Had a large contingent of the family as well, so the cousin party was in full force. It was nice to hang with the large extended fam. Even felt like a thanksgiving should with cold weather and a snow shower that passed through.

The rest of my thanksgiving break I spent putting in laminate floors in our hallway. Let me just is far from perfect, but there are some many darn angles and stuff...that I cut myself some slack. No one is going to hire out my services, but it got done for about half the price. The living room is next...and is supposed to be done before Christmas...yikes! If I get it all finished (the trickiest corners are still left) I might post a pic or two.

And a quick story on the kiddos. Molly and I got a fairly bad head much that I actually went to the dr. For those that know me, you know it must be bad. Molly had been christened princess sniffles and likes to acknowledge that fact. Also, somehow we got out of potty training her. She did it herself. Saw her friend at school who wore underwear...and said she wanted that. No accidents. Amazing!

Jack has been into Star Wars since our neighbor Jerry gave him a light saber for his birthday. We have since watched the three original movies and he loves Darth Vader. So last night I was reading a book that Gram gave them about a kind old man who takes in some stray animals. At the end I said that was a very loving thing to do, I bet that man had God in his heart. Jack proceeded to ask me what it meant to have God in your heart and I gave my best bible bowl answer. Then the thought for a minute and asked...Does Darth Vader have God in his heart?

My the end, yes.

Until next time...


At November 28, 2007 7:59 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

It is amazing that molly potty trained herself. princess snuffles is hilarious. And jack with the star wars and questions about darth vader's soul. i'll call it right now: that boy is gonna be a preacher!

At November 29, 2007 12:00 AM, Blogger Cody said...

That's a great story about darth vader. Nicole and I cracked up.

I'm excited to see the new floor.

At November 29, 2007 8:42 AM, Blogger Nicole B said...

We laughed so hard at your Jack story. Priceless. Still cant believe Molly potty trained herself!

At December 03, 2007 6:55 PM, Blogger said...

It's about time for you to post again - looks like you have more than 3 listeners! Are you sure darth vader has God in his heart???? love, nana


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