Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Clever kids

Two quick tidbits today to brag on my kiddos:

This weekend we planted another tree in our backyard. Eventually we will have some shade in 10 years or so. While we were planting the tree Jack was helping me dig the dirt in the hole and I asked him once the tree was in if he could get some soil and fill in the hole. As he was doing it he asked me if soil was the spanish word for dirt. Pretty clever I think. Now I need to really learn spanish so I can tell him what the real spanish word is for dirt.

And on Sunday Molly went into her sunday school room and proceeded to tell the teacher, "I left my glasses here, they are pink, and my mommy wouldn't let me come back and get them. Do you have them?" The backstory on that is that the week before she had worn her sunglasses to church. By the time we walked outside at the other end of the church and she realized it was sunny she wanted her glasses, but Jodi and I were both too tired to go back and get them. Apparently that didn't sit well with Molly as she remembered the following week to ask for them again. And yes, she did get them back.


And today is my lovely wife's birthday! I won't tell how old she is, although now she is just as old as me...too bad...your three month advantage is over until next year.

We did a little family gathering at Pappasito's this weekend and it was fun to see everyone. I think she had a good time - even had to stand up wearing a sombrero while the waiters sang happy birthday. Tonight we will get some cake and the last presents from jack and molly.

Thanks for keeping our family going! Happy Birthday!!


At July 31, 2007 11:56 AM, Blogger Cody said...

Jack's comment is funny. Him and Molly are both too smart for their own good.

At August 03, 2007 12:32 PM, Blogger angie c said...

Happy B day old lady. Spanish word for dirt is tierra. You're welcome. Kids are smart as a whip just like you guys!

At August 04, 2007 2:50 PM, Blogger debrabain@sbcglobal.net said...

Aren't they just the best...smartest.....best looking....funniest....kids ever!!! Good thing they have Nana blood running through those veins!!!! Love, Nana


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