Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Jack!

Yesterday was Jack's fourth birthday. I know it sounds cliche, but I really can't believe it has been four years. Looking at the pictures on the better half's blog, and then looking at Jack today, I wonder where that little baby I was so nervous to bring home and be responsible for has gone.

Molly has learned that one thing that will annoy Jack to hit wits end is to call him a baby or baby Jack. He is adamant and will argue until his face turns blue that he is not a baby. No matter what we think, Jack is ultimately right. He isn't a baby anymore. He is more and more independent each day. The same boy that I thought never would get over us leaving him in the nursery just a few weeks ago told me to never come back and pick him up from sunday school because he wanted to stay.

I love Jack's spirit. For his birthday this year Jodi reminded him that it is nice to tell someone who gave you a gift that it is just what you wanted. And he did it for every gift, even a week later. He is kind and caring and will protect and stick up for his little sister. And he has developed a wonderful memory from which he can pull songs, act out scenes from movies, or parrot back things we have said from months ago.

Thankfully dad is still pretty cool, there is still a lot of time left before he figures out just what a dork I am. I will savor this time because it obviously is flying by at a pace I never would have imagined.

Happy birthday buddy!


At August 27, 2007 4:20 PM, Blogger Cody said...

True that he doesn't like to be called a baby. I asked him once if he wanted to lay in Max's pack and play and act like a baby and he was not happy even at the suggestion that he act like a baby. He's great. And man has he slimmed down his form from the days at the pumpkin patch! I secretely still wished he were that big.

At September 17, 2007 1:08 PM, Blogger said...

He has truly grown up in four years! It seems like yesterday he wasn't happy about the time it took milk to come down! But...on the other hand - how many 3 yr olds open the doors for people? He has truly turned into a loving and caring LITTLE BOY!


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