Friday, June 06, 2008

Quick Update

The better half got on to me for not having a here is a quick update from last time I took some time to write.

Took a trip of a lifetime to Disneyworld...thanks parentals! I couldn't imagine how much I would enjoy it and since I came home I have been trying to figure out how I can get back. (Kind of like "Lost" and the island, except I enjoy it and I know where it is). For a detailed update check the better half's blog. She is doing a daily recap.

Once back home it feels like it has been go go go. Molly ended up falling off the monkey bars and breaking her arm. For the last week she has been figuring out every precarious position to get in to make us parents think she is going to break it completely off.

Jack has gotten over his fear of the water. Thanks to some deft dunking by good old dad at Disney and the weekend back home. As long as you make dunking fun...learning to swim follows. Actually he has gone to swim lessons at TCU with is cousins and they have really worked to get him over his fears. After the first day of swim lessons as soon as I got home he wanted to go back to the pool to show me what he could do, and it was amazing the transformation!

There have been birthday parties and play dates that the better half has arranged but we did get to go see the Indiana Jones movie together which was nice. Tomorrow taking the kids to the Nasher with Myles and Lisa and letting them stay over with them. Right now Jack is fired up...Molly not so much so it may be father/daughter date Sat night. Jodi and Cathie will be heading to the opera on student tickets.

And for those of you who wonder why I don't eat is one reason in my favor.

Death Tomatoes


At June 06, 2008 4:29 PM, Blogger 1literatimommy said...

death tomatoes. nice. as if a little salmonella is a bad thing: please, we live in texas where people eat cow...well, you know. calf fries.

At June 08, 2008 10:22 AM, Blogger bettysue said...

YEAAAAA, thanks Mike, I've been wondering and wondering when you were gonna blog again! About time!
I heard the story of getting Jack over his fear of water, big leap, wasn't it!!
Good for you!

At June 08, 2008 5:53 PM, Blogger said...'s about time!! I love the part about Molly keeping you one your toes!!! She is a wild child...I raised one - good luck to you....I'm so glad you had a great time in DL - I want to go next time......DON'T GO WITHOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s about time for Jack & Molly to come to nana's...


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