Thursday, September 27, 2007

DVR on Overdrive

The fall tv season is kicking off...and with it, my DVR will start to be on overdrive. Have to kick off some Between the Lions, Backyardigans and Mickey Mouse clubhouse to make room for The Unit, The Office, Criminal Minds, My name is Earl, Survivor, Lost and Always Sunny in Philidelphia.

Also have to throw in the Bachelor...this still falls in the project runway corallary - in that I get sucked in watching this every time around, except that unlike project runway there is nothing remotely creative about the contestants. Basically this is girls gone wild for the stay at home set. Like the first episode where some girl in a house of random girls decides it would be a good idea to get in the hot tub and tell the bachelor she thinks he should take his pants off. Good times. And on a realted note, why is the bachelor not sponsored by this company yet?

bachelor sponsor opp

Also caught the first two nights of dancing with the stars. Another show that amazes me by its ability to just suck you in. My parentals were here and they are it was on the tube, nothing I could do. Now that they are gone, dancing will probably not be heard from again.

Top off all the new seasons with the baseball playoffs that will soon be upon first foray into that sport again since the astros were eliminated in july. Football heating up with conference play in college and a fun cowboys team to watch. Even have a chance of having a decent texans team this year.

Too bad all I ever have time to do is work. At least I don't have to write any 20 page papers about the utopia's in childrens lit. And at least the DVR will be happy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First day of school

Today will be Molly's first day at pre-school! I hope the school is ready for her. She is going to melt everyone's heart of course...but she does have her mother's ornery tendencies. Jack will be going back again...he says reluctantly. I think he will thrive at school. It is a funny thing to want to see your kids do well away from you. At least for me I have to suppress my desire to keep them safe by my side...knowing I can protect them. At the same time I relish in the new steps that they take and how they grow.

Jodi is being super mom this week...getting all the school supplies for two, getting them set up for lunches, taking them to school, and then preparing for and teaching a class at junior college and also reading and studying some really smart english stuff about utopia or distopia or native americans or how your brain interprets words and what the authors meant or all of the above. I am lucky to have her.

And thanks to a good friend we have vip tickets to grapefest this week in grapevine. So for a few hours we will try to enjoy something that doesn't have to do with work or school...but instead with cotton candy, funnel cakes, free food and maybe a little wine too.