Monday, March 26, 2007

Great Outdoors

Check out my pic of my providing for my family like a great outdoorsman would...except for the fact that we ate steaks and hamburgers and Jodi almost threw up in her mouth when she ate a bone from the trout.

The Better Half

It was a quick trip to the the Okie state to do some trout fishing on a river which was a poor man's New Mexico or Colorodo river. Poor man's is probably not right...maybe homeless man's. But it was nice to get away from town, wade out in the cold river and just listen to the water. Good back to the grind.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Texans Draft Woes

Well my dream of Adrian Peterson being a texan was dying a slow death after the combine when people were saying he was going to be maybe a top 3 pick. I still held out hope though because he would slide to the texans in some mock drafts.

But yesterday the texans swapped first rounders to get Matt Schaub. So basically this just really means last year was a screw up. Not only could the texans have taken VY but they wouldn't be giving up two second round picks...which is where we actually drafted the defensive rookie of the year last year (not the overall #1 pick). It isn't like the texans can use more players or anything...

Oh well, let's see if Schaub can get them somewhere Carr couldn't...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Busted Bracket?

So how did you fare over the first weekend of games? CBB probably was about to need an ambulance before Big Huevos Acie Law IV came through again.

I am hanging around the middle of my pool...only way I will win (I think)is if I don't miss another pick which is highly unlikely.

I had to come in and work on Saturday...wouldn't you know the one day where all the games were basically nail bitters at the end. But I kept up to date through the web. Still not as fun as watching with a bunch of roomies just eating chips and other bad food. Did get to enjoy the games friday night with my bro and friend Wes over in Dallas. Enjoyed a texadelphia cheesesteak (jalapenos and mustard blend) and some good conversation.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Basketball Jones

Let me just say that the Mavs-Suns game last night was a great intro into a weekend full of basketball. I have lost interest in NBA games in recent year...until the playoffs. But even in the playoffs it hasn't necessarily been a stop down for me.

But last night's game proved that there can be some amazing basketball played. I hope those teams meet up again in the playoffs because it should be great entertainment.

And that has just got me jacked up for taking in as much college b-ball as possible. Thanks for streaming internet at work!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Bracket Up

This time of year is one that makes me long for college again...yep it is March Madness time. I think back to how I would just gorge on basketball for three weekends straight. Classes over by the rest of the day would just be spent watching college hoops. The best weekend to watch is the first weekend just because of the sheer number of games and the constant switch between games that are ending.

In fact when I worked for K-Mart I quit my job because I was tired of selling auto parts and checking out people who had gotten oil changes and they scheduled my last day of work for the '94 championship monday night. Needless to say that is the first and only time I have skipped out on work.

So now that I am out of college and actually have some semblance of responsibilities during the day I still try to get my fill of march madness. I started this back at my first job in houston. The trick is trying to estimate when the first set of early games are all going to wrap up and staking out a seat to watch them finish up while you eat lunch and catching the tip off of the next round of games. My favorite place to do this was Texadelphia on Westheimer. I made it an art form...

Now this year it is downtown fort worth. But I won't let the tradition die out. Lunches are sacred around here, so I know I will be able to get out. Probably end up at the fox and hound or the pour house. Can't wait for thursday.

And you know what...I will still stay up late, thursday and friday just like I did last year. And I will tell myself how dumb that was to do...but I can't help it I guess you could say I am addicted.

Enjoy the games and good luck with your brackets.

Friday, March 02, 2007

World Changing

Yesterday my niece Ava (actually my second cousin by marriage...but I digress) was taken to the hospital because she was sick. The reason - she is diabetic. What a life altering event where one day Cathie and Terry's little girl is just like everyone else and the next day she is subject to 4 shots a day, pricking her finger to monitor blood sugars, wondering what effect will this next decision have on her health, for the rest of her life.

I ache for my family. I felt the weight in Terry's voice when I talked to him about the scope of what the doctors told them. I anguish over the fact that they are going to have to explain to their precious 4 year old why mom and dad have to give her another shot today, and tomorrow and the next day.

My spirit falls when I hear how Cathie told Debbie that she prayed for her kids health every night...and know that I would have the same doubts. I think it is at these times that the Spirit groans on our behalf to God because we do not know the words.

But still, even with that world changing news, the fact is Ava is still just Ava. She is still the little girl that dressed Jack up in a tutu to dance with her. She is still the little girl that will play with Molly and put up with her. Ava has not changed, in fact now her body will begin to be more whole. She is not different, she is just Ava. I am thankful that we live where we have access to medicine and care. And I look forward to watching Ava grow.

I am thankful we have family. To grieve with, to hug, to support, to celebrate with. Keep Ava and her family in your thoughts this weekend.