Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Clever kids

Two quick tidbits today to brag on my kiddos:

This weekend we planted another tree in our backyard. Eventually we will have some shade in 10 years or so. While we were planting the tree Jack was helping me dig the dirt in the hole and I asked him once the tree was in if he could get some soil and fill in the hole. As he was doing it he asked me if soil was the spanish word for dirt. Pretty clever I think. Now I need to really learn spanish so I can tell him what the real spanish word is for dirt.

And on Sunday Molly went into her sunday school room and proceeded to tell the teacher, "I left my glasses here, they are pink, and my mommy wouldn't let me come back and get them. Do you have them?" The backstory on that is that the week before she had worn her sunglasses to church. By the time we walked outside at the other end of the church and she realized it was sunny she wanted her glasses, but Jodi and I were both too tired to go back and get them. Apparently that didn't sit well with Molly as she remembered the following week to ask for them again. And yes, she did get them back.


And today is my lovely wife's birthday! I won't tell how old she is, although now she is just as old as me...too bad...your three month advantage is over until next year.

We did a little family gathering at Pappasito's this weekend and it was fun to see everyone. I think she had a good time - even had to stand up wearing a sombrero while the waiters sang happy birthday. Tonight we will get some cake and the last presents from jack and molly.

Thanks for keeping our family going! Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Game within the Game

Jack is playing soccer. And thankfully he has some friends from the neighborhood on his team. Jack is a very good listener and follower of directions from his coaches, but he is still working on the concepts of the game of soccer - namely that there is an object (to score a goal) and not just run free up and down the field.

So last week was his third game and we have been working with him so he will maybe understand the objectives better and not spend as much time on the opposite end of where the ball is. In the middle of the game he is just running with his friend Hunter and they are paying absolutely zero attention to the actual game. They are side by side running this way when the scrum of kids is running the other way with the ball.

Then it happened. Jack grabbed hunter by the face with both hands...like when you are trying to get someones attention and leaned in. I knew what was coming next so I had to turn my head. I couldn't watch as my son was about to make his soccer game into a make out session.

So after the game I asked Jack what he was trying to do to Hunter. "Oh we were just playing robots." So of course I had to ask the follow up. "Playing robots means that one person whispers directions in your ears...like this." And I proceeded to get my face grabbed and inaudible instructions whispered into my ears.

Kissing crisis averted. Needless to say I have some work to explain that although there may be a game within the game...it is probably not robots.

On a unrelated note...a happy birthday wish to Nana! I see how wonderful she is with my children, but then I knew there would be nothing less. She has spent the last 14 years spoiling me as well. Thanks for everything you do for us!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Late Night Musings

Some musings while I wait for the copier to finish collating my training materials I teach tomorrow...

Stuck in Neil Young Unplugged to listen to tonight. Can't believe that cd is from 1993. Music has a way of transporting me places. This CD transports me right back to Abiliene texas as a 21 year old college student. How many nights was that cd rolling in the background as me, Kid, Wags and sometimes Wilson would try to figure out what was in the box at the top of the stairs and the connection between the astrodome and the the first teepee and marlon brando. Wondering what milk blood was like and thankful we had never needed to know. Musing on transformer man and the unknown ledgend...the words of which resonate more today at 33 than they did at 21.

Then if it was 10:30 on a weeknight it would be winding down the second half of the big show and figuring out when you had to be up to just make the bike ride from westheimer to mabee just to stroll in in time for class.

Now, it is waiting for a copier to finish collating. Those were good times, good memories. I couldn't have imagined just how much better things would get. Glad I could go back for a few moments.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Uniform Bliss

Meant to post this little tidbit last week, but never got around to it. We have signed Jack up to play indoor soccer. Haven't been to a game yet (too many weddings) but we did get in a practice last week. Basically it looks like it will be 5 on 5 or basically just a herd of kids chasing a ball. There are no golies, and no score kept. So basically just an excuse to send your kid into a closed ring and let them run for 30 min to an hour.

Anyway, my point in writing this is to describe Jack's reaction to getting his jersey at the last practice. It is a solid green jersey with black stripes at the sleves and collar. And he is number 25. Fairly plain jersey...but let's just say that Jack was thirlled to get it and wear it. We wore it to supper that night and around the house the next day. He knows his number already if you ask him.

I have always liked uniforms...as noticed by my link to uniwatch on the side...but seeing and remembering how exciting it was to get handed your team uniform was fun for me to see through Jack's eyes this time. It will probably wear off, but it was a nice moment none the less.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

New Sister

Well, this weekend we finally officially welcomed our new sister Lisa into our family as Myles and Lisa got married. It was a beatiful wedding at TCU, basically a fairy tale from start to finish. Jodi and I were both blessed to be a part of the wedding party and will remember it fondly forever.

I am so proud of my little brother. And I am so thankful for the person that Lisa is and the spirit that she will bring to our small family.

I envy both Lisa and Myles when I see their friend networks that came to Fort Worth to love and support them. They both have a strong and wonderful group of loving christian friends.

I also had a good time hosting all the guys for some poker and bonding before the wedding. I have always enjoyed being a part of this group.

I started out the day at 10 in the morning and stayed until 7 breaking down the reception hall with Lisa's great family. It is no wonder why she is the wonderful girl she is once you get to spend time with her family.

A wonderful weekend, that has completely worn me out. So tonight I pray that Lisa and Myles are enjoying their ride to Greece and look forward to seeing them soon when they return home.