Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Smart Mama

This will be a quick post as I don't have a lot of time before leaving today. I have yet to get a computer or much else set up yet.

Tonight Jodi will be giving a presentation to her current master's class about some old book by a german guy about how people read books. Basically it is really theoretical stuff and isn't really up my alley.

But is definately is up Jodi's and she has done a wonderful job preparing and studying for this and also keeping the family running - and that is not a small task.

I am really glad she is getting to take these classes becuase she is so smart and she really shines when she is in the middle of learning! You don't need luck tonight - you will do wonderful in your presentation!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Burning Segments

A radio station that I sometimes listens to often talks about burning segments - basically filling up the space between the commercials. Sometimes i have felt like that, just trying to find things to burn segments. Especially at my last job. But beginning next week I think I will be over my head a bit for awhile. Learning old things over again and learning a bunch of new things and people. I won't be needing to burn any segments just for the sake of burning them...

And my mavs prediction fell a bit off. One of the many reasons I choose not to gamble on sports. I feel bad for the die hard mavs fans, but the team has a good core, so they should be in the hunt again next year. I don't think the mavs did enough on their own to win, but some games it did seem if they were playing 5 on 8.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Molly!

Today Molly turns 1 year old. The day didn't start out exactly like I had hoped, but we did get to have some cake, sing happy birthday, and open some presents this morning. Then it was off to work for Dad, and tonight Mom has class so it is a broken up birthday - life just gets so busy, and I am sorry if we didn't do enough for Molly today.

To Molly:
One year ago today you were our life. There was no way around it. This time around I knew a bit more what to expect of the whole process as I am sure your Mom did too. But it is still nerve wracking waiting, wondering, when will I get to see you and hold you for the first time. I worry about your Mom when she is all hooked up to the machines and getting poked and prodded by anyone and everyone it seems. I hear your racing heartbeat, and wonder what face goes with it. And then before you know it in an instant the waiting is over - and the learning you begins!

You were so quiet when you were first born. Didn't cry much at all. I like to think it is because you knew you were surrounded by love. And you are so well loved! When you first came home I am not much help, but you and I would stay up late at night together watching the late edition of sports center or if we were lucky a west coast astros game. Night time was our time together. When the house was quiet and Mom and Jack were trying to rest up. Just you and me, I will always remember those times.

Now each day you shock me with what you are learning, what you can do, how smart you are - how independent you want to be. You have grown so quickly in the last year, but I love your growth! I can't wait to see what you have learned tomorrow! When we first had you home your Mom would say what a sweet baby you were - and you are. But I think you know deep down that you have a ornery spirit lurking in there! I see it in the rye smile you have when you are about to be up to something, or when you fall down in disgust because you lost the tug of war with jack over a toothbrush or toy. But I love your spirit! I hope that I can make it blossom as you grow and not get in the way.

You are such a precious gift and I am glad God gave you to us! Mom and I have a wonderful daughter and Jack has a wonderful little sister and I couldn't be more proud. I love you very much! Happy 1st Birthday!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Quick hit - funny pics

So far Mav's predictions are following through. Big win for mavs in game 2, narrow loss in game 3. I think the mavs strike back in game 4, but that Shaq and Wade team up for one more win before it is over. But this series is the mavs...they will win.

In the meantime enjoy these funny pictures of Mark Cuban "suited up" for the mavs.

funny pics

Friday, June 09, 2006

Mavs finals prediction

Apparantly blogger was down last night when I was going to try to put in my game by game predictions for the mavs-heat nba finals. So I will get game one as a freebie. But I am going to put in the winner and score and see how close I get.

Game 1: Mavs 90, Heat 80
Game 2: Mavs 103, Heat 89
Game 3: Heat 94, Mavs 91
Game 4: Mavs 104, Heat 99
Game 5: Heat 91, Mavs 87
Game 6: Mavs 110, Heat 83

As you can see I think the mavs in 6. I think Shaq and Wade will team up to win 2, but that is it. I wouldn't be surprised to see the mavs in 5. A lot of the experts are talking about experience...but talent will win these games, and the mavs have more of that.

Looking forward to watching these games, the mavs are a fun team to watch play.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The exitement of change

Quick post as I wait for our financial reporting systems to calculate...

Well today I got news that I will be making a change - a new job again (the forth for me). It has only been easy to quit once - from Andersen. And this time it will be the hardest. I really enjoy a lot of the people I work with and I also have been treated very well at Nokia, both from a personal and financial standpoint.

But an opportunity presented itself in fort worth and I have put my faith that the Lord will be with me in whatever opportunity he presents. I have Jeremiah 29:11-13 on my desk that I see everyday. I just need to believe it!

I hope I have made a good decision for my family...I want to be everything I can for them.